Thursday, April 8, 2010

One Day Every Tongue Will Confess, One Day Every Knee Will Bow

Did any of us meet Jesus without reckoning the cross? I think not. Why do I want to believe my loved one will escape that same ahah moment? Because it hurts me to see them brought to their knees. Some are more stubborn than others. Regardless, beholding the savior, until we see our sin on him, we do not see our redemption and his true resurrection power. Until we bow and confess it is our sin... One day every knee will bow. There will be no choice. I thank you God for giving my loved one another day, another chance to choose your mercy and redemption and restoration power! Thru my tears i say "have thine own way, Lord,"  Not my will, but thine be done!!

Sometimes, when you are wondering what they are thinking, they surprise you! .

Our next to the youngest just turned 18 yrs old March 1st. She is finishing her freshman year of college at a christian university. I thought she'd never get her essays written for her college application's packs, in fact, i threatened to write them myself, so i could get her application packets off in the mail. She would have to live with where ever my essays gained her acceptance...   She pushed it, i questioned her, only to meet her dismissal. I prodded and pleaded besides threatening. 

Then one day, while at camp with her cousins, uncle Hank had invited them, eleven churches present, the coordinating churches her uncles and cousins pastor.. Hangin' on Panama Beach in Florida with three cousins in touring christian band and leading worship, one cousin pastoring, two uncles veteran pastors present..Fourth generation..She called me and said mom, I'm writing my essay! I will forward it as soon as i finish. Don't have time to talk, it's in my hand, got to go! 

I had decided, in spite of all of my coercing, i did not want her going to the christian college i had pushed for after all. She needed a more challenging university and one that might advance her career, that looked more impressive on her resume.. after all.. she was of higher intellect. All of her life this was evident. The high scores and awards and abilities.

Then i received this, and out of the mouths of  babes ... Our 17 year old babe..  We were floored and blessed and i will forever hold this moment. She will never live it down or go far enough that i will not remind her of her deep and inspiring faith. God willing she will never need reminding much. So far, she has made good choices, including the one to enroll in Southeastern University and for all the right reasons.

Just wanted to share the essay here because i find it beautiful.
I'm posting it here below.  It is her college application essay.   She had decided to write only one, not many.. for reasons you will understand after reading.  If you take the time and read it, you will be surprised and inspired by a girl with wisdom beyond her years and a faith that is astounding.  It is not an immature teenly angsty story. It is a delightful read.

                      On Whitman, The Ocean, and Selling Yourself
                                   An Essay By:   Katelyn Christine Davis
                                                      July/Aug 2009

I spent the summer after my junior year of high school immersed in the words of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, drinking every word slowly, swallowing the ideas gently like you would a Popsicle; to both fully appreciate the flavor and to avoid a brain freeze.

Whitman, since then, has been my favorite poet, knocking T. S. Eliot off of the pedestal of my heart, which used to beat to The Hollow Men. I love his writings for a myriad of reasons, including his desperate, patriotic love for a country that in 1855, the year Leaves of Grass was published, was only a wailing infant, albeit a bright-eyed one filled with potential and promise. That promise of a homeland, where a man is free to worship the God (or gods) of his choosing, vote on his own leaders, and, if he works hard enough or cleverly enough, change his financial status -- a concept so relatively new, that it came to be called the American Dream.

Of course, and embarrassingly enough, at the heart of my love for Whitman, was a crush on an English teacher who taught me that first impressions rarely hold true in literature. The first time I read the Song of Myself, turned the heavy words over in my mouth like a cement mixer, I wanted to spit them out, until he showed me the overall message of Song of Myself, the themes of empathy and staying connected to humanity, and of both nature and God.

In my absolute favorite poem from Leaves of Grass, Song of Myself, Whitman pens this gem: “My tongue, every atom of my blood / form‘d from this soil, this air / born here of parents born here from parents the same, and their parents the same / I, at thirty-seven years in perfect health begin / hoping to cease not till death.” This line in particular, feels like a punch to the tenderest part of me, and is especially poignant in the unexpected kinship it makes me feel.

Of course, Walt is speaking of being American -- every single atom of him -- but I feel it applies to me in a different sort of way. I was born a blue baby, in a country where that isn’t a death sentence, to parents that build churches for spiritual families who are without their own physical buildings. My father, who always seems strange to me if seen without one of his many bibles in his hands, as if he’s missing a limb or his clothes, was born to a Church of God pastor, who, in his eighties still loves on and has dinner with the congregation that is no longer his sole responsibility. He seems blissfully unaware of that.

I am born to parents, born to parents back and back and back into the tapestry of the generations, that have had the only truly satisfying pleasure; that have lived their lives to bring a smile to the face of a living Savior.

Now, in the present, I’ve graduated high school. I graduated in 2008, at sixteen-and-two-months, which was simultaneously crazy and scary and awesome. Now I find myself in this crazy place where I am applying to college, filling out form after form after form, explaining my high school experience and proving that, yes, I was born in America, and yes, I’ve had all of my shots.

With this territory, come the essays. In a page, sometimes two, and occasionally a pitiful 250 or 500 words, I am expected to sell myself. In 250 words, I, verbose by nature, am expected to boil down my existence into its bare essentials. My history, experiences, knowledge, and what I did during the year after my high school graduation. They expect me to give a speech on all of these things, metaphorically speaking, and have offered me the podium for three and a half minutes. The clock is ticking and I always find myself floundering like a fish with sand-filled gills. What is important to me? What is my foundation built on? What do I mention? Do I talk about my family, and where I was born and any of that David Copperfield kind of nonsense? What about skinned knees and making banana bread with my mother? The way I spent this past year working the CAD program, writing to my heart’s content and twisting under the glorious Florida sun? Does any of that matter?

All of these things, I’ve had to weigh lately: If I could only keep half of my memories, which would I keep? Which of these could I dismiss from the labyrinth of my psyche, of my memory, and have who I am fundamentally, remain the same? In a perfect world, in the world I strive to live in, that getting rid of my experiences, getting to know Jesus Christ would change me; that I’ve done a good job of laying him as the foundation and that my house would be a crumbling mess without him.

So when it really boiled down to it, and I was writing out essays to all of the universities I was applying to, I really had to ask myself the question: Do I want to go to a school where that train of thought isn’t valued? Philippians 2:12 says, “…work out your salvation with fear and trembling,” which, as I understand it, speaks not to earning your salvation by works, but by doing the best you can every single day to walk it out.

I’ve had my moments of wavering; in the darkest of rooms the walls seem to whisper my insecurities at me, that I will never be enough, can never be enough, unworthy, a slime covered sinner, all of which, of course, is true, but for the grace of God and the precious blood of Jesus. And without these dark nights, the morning light is not nearly perceived as so bright, without the tidal wave of doubt, faith means little.

I consider myself a writer; I love words and the effect they can have on people, whether or not I, and the way I use them have the ability to affect anyone. I love pretentious metaphors, and in my mind’s eye, this is the way I see Southeastern: As a mess of people, with the same foundation and goals, standing in the ocean, holding each other by the hands like I used to do with my best friend when the waves would get rough, where not everyone is getting their feet pulled from beneath them at once, and supporting those who are until they find their footing. Where some of us are having dark nights and some getting tanned in the morning light, and all of us are holding each other up.

And sometimes, Whitman’s view of the world and community appeals to me more: that we are all leaves of grass, and that all of our roots get tangled and through that, the soil that we have grounded ourselves in cannot be washed away, and through our braided root systems we nourish and hold on to each other. Sometimes, I see Jesus’ picture of a flock of sheep, like a family, herded by the same shepherd. The end result is the same. Whether I want interlocking fingers pulling me out of salty water, entangling myself in a support system, or simply following a herd towards the same gentle voice, the only place that I want to expand my knowledge of the world is a place that first acknowledges that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and have nothing to do with protozoa crawling onto the shores of Florida.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Don't assume the enemy is bluffing about attacking the believer!

My friend is a street preacher. He loves it and feels called to it. He resides in boarding houses, in the cities he feels called to preach in. One day last year, shortly after arriving home and realizing someone was in his room, he began calling the burglar out. Another boarder was annoyed at his noise and came at my friend with a hammer saying, "shut up or i will hit you with this hammer!" My friend said, "Do it!"  " So the guy did! My friend was shocked and injured. The guy went to jail.  I asked my friend why he said, "Do it!" Personally being of the persuasion that, "do it!" is not the logical response to a potentially lethal threat. He told me that he never thought the guy would actually do it. Every man/male i've told this story to, pipes in with the same response when i get to that part of the story.  "Who would think someone would actually do it!?"
Sometimes we make a stand and then are amazed when the enemy attacks!

Whether the enemy seeks to attack our hearts, minds, family or finances we need to regard "him" as a threat.  We may have the victory but we also have to walk it out and guard, stand, use our weapons of warfare (eph 6) and be aware, not ignorant of our adversary's ways.

Churchill was banned from Parliament. He had eccentric and offensive ways, yet when Hitler was advancing across the world, trapsing into the backyards of those who were ignoring the atrocities that had been occuring at his hand, Churchill was once again called in. Why? Because he knew the enemy better than anyone on the planet. He had studied Hitler extensively.  Dissecting his every move since childhood. His raising, family life, social life, education, military involvement and ascent, colleagues, known associates and accociations, activities and involvements, skills and weakeneses.

Abrogating the horror that was Hitler, is largely attributed to the influence of Winston Churchill.

Know your adversary and his ways that you may not miss an opportunity to escape injury. If you tell him "Do it!" Be ready to meet his attack with the same force!

And above all "Guard your heart, it is the wellspring of life." (another blog entirely!)  Use your "shield of faith, which is able to quench the firey darts of the enemy" " Your helmet of salvation" which protects your mind and direction for the rest of your body. Your mind needs to "know" the word; What it says about your position in Christ, your salvation which is sure, your weapons and battle plan, God's larger plan, etc. Yes, the work was done on the CROSS, but we are not to be lazy and allow the devil to roam freely, devouring everything he desires. We are to use the power of the cross to defend ourselves.

Jesus said "IF they hated me, then they must hate you, if you are my disciple"...They are the world and it's dominion-ator, the adversary.

Don't be caught calling the enemies bluff without believing he may bring it on!  Be ready and never be ignorant of the ways of the enemy or of the defenses we have against his attacks!

Charlie Crist, Governor of the state of Florida's public Easter message Praising JESUS for his work on the CROSS!

Charlie Crist, Governor of the state of Florida, sent a public EASTER message, giving praise to JESUS for the work of the CROSS! I am grateful and impressed~Please join me in praying for him and our state after such a bold and wonderful act! The state of Florida should have a blessing upon it for it's leadership placing JESUS in the high places as well as a concentrated focus of ambush from the enemy. Be not ignorant concerning your advisary. Be blessed, but aware!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

i am grateful for elders, the church and for the Word. Each exist to accomodate and facilitate God's plan on this Earth. In seeking God i find Him where the Word instructs me to look. For that i am thankful.

I had my 4th or 5th lung infection for this year. No cold or flu, just a lung infection. Since two years ago, my dr has told me that my bottom left lung has never started working. I have taken steroids and other "remodelling" drugs initially but recently just a steroidal/bronchial dilating inhaler as needed. ... My gma passed away of lung disease. No one, including she, knew she had, 'til she became ill in the end. The dr's said it is congenital. So, needless to say, when i contracted this last infection i was a bit worried, but more than that i was really in pain.

My bottom left lung felt like there was a 16 penny nail sticking in it (that might be too long..maybe an 8). My breathing was constricted in that area, like the nail was holding a stiff band in place that i couldn't breath past. I could only breath in shallowly, even though my right side was attempting to draw a full breath. It was a painful, lopsided, pulling feeling and on top of that, my body was beginning to make the mucous it produces in response..that was another problem starting!

About 10 days after onset, i lay in bed unable to sleep for the pain and i thought about waking jim up to pray for me but then the scripture from James ch 5 came into my head "if any sick among you let them call on the elders of the church and they will pray over him...and the prayer of faith shall save the sick."..I felt led that, perhaps, that scripture popping into my head was what God was instructing, so i didn't wake up my husband and decided to get prayer at church the next morning (sunday)..i lay there thinking how unusual it was for me to go for prayer and how it might create some chiding ..

During our service we have a break and one of our elders wives, fran, makes her rounds to say hello and noticed i had no voice, asked if i were sick, i told her "no, nothing catchy, no cold, just scary lung problem" she said you have to get prayer, i said i know, she said i'm going to remind you...

As it were, at the end of service, Pastor joe said "ask the lord to speak to you and look around and when he gives you a word for someone go tell them, prophetic, encouragement, whatever."  ...we stood and suddenly two elders descended upon me.."We're here to pray for you" (Thank you Fran) Fran's huband and elder Pastor Steve stood in front of me and begin to pray, he spoke words of faith in God, but also words of faith in my husband and i, as if reminding the Lord, maybe for my benefit, but certainly, they  were touching words of faith, the sweetest words i have ever heard him speak concerning us. When he stopped, i could hear Pastor Pat (another elder) praying in the spirit, so i remained still with my eyes closed. He was standing behind me with his hand on my bottom left lung. When he quit praying in the spirit, he began praying in english and said in essence, "Sickness, we are her elders and you be gone"... it was as if he was interpreting his own tongues..i believe the spirit spoke to me concerning how he was going to heal me and then because my elder prayed in the spirit he received the message the spirit wanted me to hear, the confirmation that He had spoken, i had come, it was accomplished. 2Co2:7
When Pat said it, the pain disapeared. I immediately thought the endorphins had masked the pain, so i took a deep breath. Now, a deep breath may be a bit difficult for me to perceive, having not had one so deep for quite some time but i felt no pain, no constriciton. It has been another 10 days and no pain, no mucous, no constriction. I haven't been to the dr, so, if there is something i cannot feel, it is not inhibiting me or giving me pain!

I call that a healing.. For that i am grateful for the elders, the church and for the word.

...A Wyandot indian was travelling across America when stopped by soldiers. They asked him where he was headed. He replied "To the west, to worship the great spirit. I've heard they have the instruction book there."

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Greatest Love Song ever Sung

I can't help but be moved every time my daughter Bethany sits at the piano and plays the David Crowder song "He Loves Us". It's not a song that tries to move me to the right place thru worship, listing all of Gods wonderful attributes or the power in his name. All of which i wouldn't trade for the world, but, when i sing "He loves Us" ... It's a love song. Not mine or yours but His, and how can one resist so great a love song, so great a salvation. "...If grace were an ocean...then we are all sinking..."

I speak with women and men who would give anything (so they think) to feel that sort of love. That full abandon, no holds barred, all consuming, all forgiving, all enduring, all in, all giving sort of love.

My daughter Katelyn is into this slam poetry.. I have heard her favorite many, many, many times ringing throughout the house, either on one of her electronic devices or just by her quoting it:

" ... I want the kind of love that is the 'me thinkin bout you, thinkin bout me, thinkin bout you, thinkin bout me kind of love..."

The psalmist said: "How vast are your thoughts toward me oh Lord, if i could count them they would number more than the sand of the sea." Scripture tells us... " ...For He numbers every hair on our heads...He sees the insignificant sparrow when he falls, ... He clothes the fields with beautiful lilis...How much more does He care about man"

I enter today with a love song on my heart. A song ringing from a hill called Golgotha. A place of death. The kind of Death that brings life. The kind of life that is worth dying for, eternal life, redeeming life, saving life, loving life, unselfish life, giving life, fruitful life.

People let each other down. People fail. People can be selfish... James chapter one says "Wherefore do fights and quarrels break out from among you? You fight and you quarrel because you have not what you desire and you fight for what you want" ...Selfish people that we are....

Jesus completely, unselfishly desired that we might have LIFE and have it more abundantly. not more things, not more flesh, not more earthly desires...but LIFE...

"...He loves us, oh, how he loves us, oh, how he loves us!! If grace were an ocean, we are all sinking. Heaven meets Earth like an unforeseen kiss and my heart turns violently inside my chest and i don't have time to maintain these regrets when i think about the way....He loves us, oh, how he loves us, oh, how he loves us, oh, how he loves us..."

He held nothing back, nothing of himself, not his comfort, not his life. He didn't love his own life unto death..He loved us ..unto death.

I started my day today with this in mind, this song in my heart, though my asthma does not permit me belt it out today. My heart sings. Won't you join me. Accept his love song today.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

More God's math...Seeds of Beauty

Beauty is found in the depths and in the smallest of things unseen. At least lasting beauty is found there. Prov 31:30 "Favour is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." "To fear the lord is the beginning of wisdom" and wisdom is the soil of good fruit. Fruit, unlike vegetables, contain seeds inside. The exponential math of God! Oh, that our fruit would so decorate our lives, that the world could taste and see that the Lord is good and in partaking, receive the seeds to themselves. Let the beauty of His holiness adorn us now and as we age, that we would find rest and praise for the deeper lives we live and the fruit that is yielded from wisdom!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Gods Math

God's math is amazing: A day is a thousand years to God. One can put a thousand to flight, Two ten thousand! Where any two or three agree on any one thing it shall be done.

Then there's unity. ...And when they (plural amount of people=number of people) were together (in one equation=one place, many people as one unit), in one accord (in unity, in agreement) there came a sound as of a rushing mighty wind...And they were filled with the spirit!

Unity facilitates the exponential power of the spirit of the living God to flow in and through us. Showing forth God's mighty works in this Earth, in our lives, in the lives of those we touch, things we agree on and pray for.

Division is our greatest weakness and a sure recipe for failure in the kingdom. Unity is a failsafe! Where two or three of you are gathered together in my name, there i am in the midst of them...If two or three would agree as touching any one shall be done...if one fall there is another to help him up...therefore forsake not the gathering together and even more as you see that day approaching.

In agreement we build up, in unity we have relationships with one another in the true spirit of God's love, which binds us.  Encouraging each other on to love and good works which are pleasing to our father in heaven!

A brother that sows discourse is an enemy to the body. He should repent that he may be restored and glorify God. Unity and agreement are essential to a functional body. The works of the flesh will rob you of your posturing to be in agreement with the body...starve that carnal self ...Search me oh God and know my heart and renew a right spirit in me. My friend Laurenda said it well. And may our effectual fervant prayers avail in this hour. Let us be a mighty church through the infilling, indwelling of the spirit of the living God, not by natural might or power! In Jesus name!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

True Value

Value is determined in this worlds economy by supply and demand. True value is not quite so subjective. Truth is not relevant, therefore, if we value truth, we value the irrefutable. This said, our value system is not subject to culture or consumer reports, market fluctuations or public opinion. True value is something we are going to need to assess in the coming days. Have you taken inventory of what you value? 
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Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Lulling of the Church

The Lulling of the Saints..
(Sleeping Saints...The Bride who isn't watching or waiting)

In 1950 and there about, Adolph Hitler, in his attempts to take over the world, would employ such measures as were needed to accomplish this task. Intent on genocide, he exterminated first the infirmed, then the elderly, the handicapped, the blacks and then the jew. 

I was 12 years old when i first learned of this.  I was in the seventh grade. Horrified, I stared into the pages of my fifth period text book wondering how we could have let this happen. "Where was America?" I asked aloud. Nothing else mattered except, where were we and why didn't we STOP IT! I looked upon the bodies, piled high. A mound of emaciated human beings, dead and discarded.  I have come to love Churchill from my understanding of the politics and warfare of this era. I see what it took for "US", the US to get involved in the fight and ultimately win. Thank you Jesus.  But how did the world allow it?

25 years ago i read stories of some of the tactics Hitler would use to take a city, a people, a region, a nation; One way is that he would filtrate a regions water supply with fluoride in order to sedate the people so they were passive upon his troops arriving.  "What?" you ask does the cavity fighting ingredient of toothpaste have to do with Hitler and Sedation? 

Fluoride, in high concentrations, acts as a sedative (in stronger concentrations it is lethal) 

And so are the ways of our adversary the devil. He does not come in when we are strong and full of power.
He comes at us in our weakness. In our flimsy attempts to guard our self esteems we have left our spirits wide open.

Is it not the object of any battle to win? Yet we are unaware that there is even a battle waged against us.

This is the condition of modern day christendom. Satan has lulled the church to sleep. Our children are so passive, green, peace seeking that they have no desire to fight, guard, stand firm, stand against or for that matter even "take"  a stand.

We need leaders who will stir the waters and break the cysterns, causing repentence with awe of the "one" so great  and annoint new vessels to receive living water and new wine.

It's time for the church to stop looking for a feel good, quasi-paradise here on Earth and mount up, aware of the works of the enemy. Sedate believers are receiving the lies with full abandon.  The lies that there are no absolutes, there are no enemies, tolerance is virtue, truth is relevant.

We are lulled by the subtle changes we have made in our churches. The "Make love not War" mentality is not of God.  Weapons and shields are a major subject in God's word. The exercising of our will in this life, is our most effective weapon as it opens us to the spiritual power we have only in the spirit! But let us be lulled by the enemy and we will be fighting with/for/out of the wrong spirit, the spirit of this age, of this world, of flesh and carnality. That anti-christ sprit that is gaining ground around us every day.

Oh church. Let us be "sober" minded in this hour. For in the hour which you think not, he will come"

A few of the things we have been lulled by:

a. Freedom/Grace:  "by" grace are you saved...For your freedom is not a license "to sin" but "from sin" that sin no longer has it's "chains" on you!  For if you walk after the spirit you will reap after the spirit/but if you walk after the flesh ... it is of the flesh you will reap.

b. Tolerance:  "A little leaven spoils the whole bunch" Gay rights, Politcal correctness, No Christ in Christmas, No God in schools, No Jesus in God culture. No discrimination. Instant divorce.

c. Worship: Yes, worship...We come in for an hour of worship and 20 min of the word. Worship that gives us the warm fuzzies with out the pre-requisite of repentence. Come as you are / Leave as you are! Lulling, pacifying, coddling faith! No repentence, No committment to righteousness. Just Free love! Spiritual 60's movement. (war protestors, check, No recognition of war heroes. check, free affection, check, everything is beautiful, check)
(Just hitting a small bit)

Wake up my sleeping sisters and brothers. Arise church. "Be" the church! Or you are going to find yourself behind enemy lines,  bound, defenseless, defeated and under judgement.  Wake up and no longer allow the lulling of your souls. Wake up!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Compromising Positions...the intro

Compromise comes when we have something to lose. something at stake . We relinguish our convictions when they interfere with the status quo. With one blind eye, a smile and a wave, we narrowly escape responsibility. Often partaking of the intolerable. One compromise always leads to another! There is no sin that is incapable of reproduction! Compromising ground is fertile ground for the enemy.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

For such Times as These..part one: More than Conquering

The face of the worlds economic landscape is so drastically changing, along with everything else, politics, morale, legislation...I am earnestly seeking the Lord on where to apply myself next. Building is slow. Church building projects have largely haulted across the board as church's are scaling back as well as finding their benevolence funds in need of extra allocation. God is so faithful, eternal and ethereal, of this I am even more convinced, not less.

My hope is not built on the sinking sand of the American dollar or it's allied companion the one world order. This era will pass away, it's monetary systems may pass away, my life may pass away as it appears on Earth, but i am looking for a place, whose architect is not of this world and city is not made by mans hands, who's maker is God. I am living as though i am in this world but not of this world. The popular doctrine of today is that we "conquer" in this realm. However that is not entirely the way i see it in scripture.   To have  "Victory in Jesus," we conquer by not succombing to "conquering" in this realm. The world's (this realm's, it's systems, standards, culture, ideologies), formula and satus symbols of success/conquering are: Greed is winning, more, not less,  luxury, not necessity, bigger, not simpler, popular, not right, comfort, not sacrafice. striving, not contentment and things, not people. 

I am convinced, that only, the sustaining meat of the Word is what we have to hang on to. I have had, during these trying times, hung onto essential themes from the book of Job to the apostles, their lives, ministries, words and martyrdom deaths. In them, we see that they/we  more than conquer.  We achieve for ourselves eternal life when we lay our lives down. We do not strive for our stuff, place, things. Strife and peace are antonyms.

Peace comes when we more than conquer. Conquering in this realm achieves for us momentary relief. More than conquering achieves for us eternal results. Job chose the eternal, the apostles chose the eternal. They were following the ONE great and mighty God, who was manifest in humble and pure form, a submitted bio-ped that God chose to call "man".  "...who was in all points tempted as we are" Heb 4:15, yet, overcame.   He loved not his life unto death. The Apostle Paul said: "None of you have loved NOT your life unto death."

I have an inescapable urging to tell the "truth" in such a times as these, when spin is accepted as normal and perception is approbated as truth.   When "gain" is taught as a measure of  "Godliness" ITim 6:5 and other idols are erected in the media to coerce us to buy in, so someone can cash in, on our "gain"...which is actually our "loss" of morality, fiscal responsibility, covenants and peace. Christians, by statistics, are no exception.

Success in this life is a blessing, but success that entails strife, envy, quarrels, fights and stepping on one another is not conquering in the spirit. What a mirage! That, my friends, is spiritual defeat. Conquering in this realm is not necessarily a victory in Jesus!

Be at peace and may the Lord grant you strength and courage for the journey, love and wisdom for the hard decisions, as well as the day to day minute ones  and a clear and sober mind for the times and seasons of our lives.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Being busy where we live

Titus 2:4  "...Older women...teach the younger women... to... be... busy in their homes...."  there is a lot of instruction intermingled in this chapter concerning married, parental and family life, but the sum of it all is ....Teach them to be busy in their homes....It has been said that woman is the womb of humanity...the cradle of humanity. Home making, no matter what else we do, is our greatest achievement. Truth, honesty, love, counsel, grace, instruction, doctrine, accountability and safety are some of the things most of us desire to find in our homes...We nurture and prune and preen and discipline. We laugh and cry and stay up nights talking, walking the floor, worrying, wiping brows. We hold babies as if there is nothing else on Earth to do. We cook one more meal because it is what our family needs. We change diapers and wash dishes and fold laundry not because we don't have anything better to do but because this is our family, our people , our home. This is where we live.

We can take one more, even when we are exhausted. Give one extra hug, when we've doled out plenty already and just when we think we are done, we find our arms reaching for that tear filled face and patching up another heart that will go on.

We make crumb cakes and guacamole and Mexican food that they request like it was take out. We hear prayers and fears and secrets and crushes. We hope and dream and teach and love and when the chips are down, we believe and we work and we fight for what is right or for our loved ones.

So what did the pastoral epistle mean? I think he was simply saying "Teach the young women that they are the cradles of humanity and that the action is where they live. To do their jobs well, whether they are cashiers or sales persons, Dr's, judges, chemists or zoo keepers. But....not to be concerned with other peoples business! To be concerned with their own is enough! Our professions/occupations are how we generate income. The way we make our living and exercise our skills, passions and knowledge, but our hearts and desires and hopes and dreams are cradled where we live...Be busy ....The apostle says...where you live...

Need personal attention? Cuddle up to a loved one. Tell her your hopes and dreams. Talk over your fears and secret ambitions. Make something yummy to eat for your friends or family. Do a task for a family member. Smile at someone. Compliment a person you do or do not know. Aknowledge good quality in someone care about. Create an atmosphere around you that welcomes peace and joy and love and laughter. That is warm and fun and sincere. Work toward a goal and when you achieve it, share it with the others so they too can rejoice with you. And likewise, do the same for the ones you love. Never failing to rejoice in the successes of others whose lives are in your sphere of influence or acquaintances, spurring each other on to love and good works.

Young ladies, don't be afraid to learn how to love, nurture or be venerable from the older women in your life. Take note of their strength and fortitude and model their behavior. See how like birds building a nest, they build up and do not tear down their homes. They build the sturdy structure, anchored securely in a tree, then line it with comfortable materials soft and insulating .

Always remember to: Be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. (James 1:19). Keeping your mind out of other peoples business. (Not busy bodies) (I Tim 5:13). Refraining from constantly running around to other peoples houses. Getting involved with other peoples business and desiring what you ought not, nor should even be dealing with. Free from tattling and spreading other peoples business, which you learned while scampering around and spending way too much time in idol conversations, (I Tim 5:13) which lead to many dangers including gossip, as well as subjects unbecoming and often inflammatory.

Ladies, it was a woman who birthed Jesus. Who cradled him and swaddled him. Who brought him up and taught him to walk and talk. It was to her womb that God entrusted his only begotten son. It is our wombs that have been entrusted to bring forth Godly offspring in the Earth.(Malachi 2:5) And it is where we live that Godliness is taught and modelled and fostered.

Ladies, let us practice what we know to be true and righteous and loving. That aids in the growing up of God's children, of our brothers and sisters our spouses and our own children. That offers shelter and peace from life's storms and is able to remain to the end. Let's cradle our spouses fragile egos as we nurture them onto maturity, confidence and strength. Might we never be caught up in the cares of this world when the hearts of our homes need our attention.
Too young to have a home of your own? Well, you know where you live. Learn to be consumed with your own business and there will be little time to be caught with your hand in anyone Else's. Open your arms, embrace those who share your values and are busy building up instead of tearing down and soon the place where you live will have enlarged it's borders to include others who are also busy with their own back yards...on that street where you live.

Forgetting which is behind, pressing forward always. Not minding what is happening on the left or right...Forging onward. Loving in spite of opposition. Caring in spite of hostility. Keeping the Holy Spirit's power fanned to flame in our atmosphere to save, restore, comfort and draw the weary, thirsty, weather beaten loved ones in our lives so that we are so busy being women of God that we are not found as idol talkers, tattlers, meddlers, grumblers or busybodies in other peoples homes.

It doesn't matter what is going on in anyone elses party, house or business. You are only responsible for you! So what matters is...What's going on where you live?   Live responsibly!

Friday, April 17, 2009


For those of you who are pc or internet challenged like myself, i would just like to let you know that if you desire, you can ad a comment by clicking on "comments" at the end of each post.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Life -- A constitutional Right~!

Ever think about it? Life, Love and the pursuit of happiness. Our forefathers afforded us the right to Life, but just what is life? The question has been posed through out this century in terms of organism vitality, but beyond the question of: "when did life begin," the question: "Just what is life?" beckons a reply for so many seeking.

There is the idea of breathing oxygen into lungs, as in carbon based, life forms, land dwellers whose subconscious functioning has given them one day after another, a pumping heart, breathing lungs, circulatory and excretory systems that make a body move and function.

Then there is thought life, where one might believe his/her happiness is calculated. Where one might measure and surmise whether life is worth the effort. If life has the adequate rewards one needs. Whether we like or dislike things, flavors, people, events, colors. Whether we feel we are doing our jobs properly. Securing our futures. Are we satisfied. Deciding day to day whether we can make it. Hunters, gatherers, settlers...

Then there are our emotions. Too soon we believe that our emotions have a life all their own. That we are subject to our moods. Likes, wants, desires, ires, sorrow, jealousies, needs, loneliness, happiness, elation, ....Emotions!

I've never personally been satisfied with life as we know it. Being a seeker of God i have always weighed life, emotions, ideas, desires, against eternal principles...: So if it feels good...Is it good? OK, so you desire that thing...Is it the right thing...would God say it was OK? IF the circumstances call for a we conpromise?

One New testament word for "life" in the greek was "zoe" The true meaning for this word is "spirit life" I was happy to find the true meaning of this word because it defined my reasoning. I feel life is empty without eternal principles weighing in on every decision. Paul said i have learned to abound and to abase. Why? Because he weighed everything against God's word, against God's principles, against God's timeline. Happiness was not material although he clearly stated he knew how to enjoy plenty! But happiness, rather joy, was an eternal state. Joy unspeakable the old hymn said! Joy is something beyond that which you can measure or take away. Joy is what you can attain in "zoe" = spiritual life! The fruit of the spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self Control (Temperance)...So , "Spiritual LIFE = Zoe" apparently is defined by these things...There is no sorrow in these things...There is no law or offense against these things. Love covers all, Patience is a virtue and according to James 1: makes you whole and lacking nothing. Kindness turns away wrath/violence; Peace where it rules, there is rest; Goodness partners with mercy; Gentleness will cause hearts to turn; Faithfulness fulfills covenants, erases divorce etc; Temperance/self control...a person who can control his tongue can keep his whole body in check...

What more is there to know? Zoe is the way to truly live...There is no question!
Jesus said "I have come that you might have zoe and have it more abundantly"

When you are pondering just how fair life is, how much you need or desire or want things etc. When you are measuring yourself, your mate, your kids against the yard sticks of the world, Try instead the measuring stick of the spirit....Those fruits are a good place to start. Soon you will see whether you have "zoe" or carbon life only.

I choose "life" in more ways than one but prioritize "zoe" over all!